Friday, April 19, 2013


Tonight, the second Boston Marathon bombing suspect is in custody and in critical condition. The other suspect, his brother, was killed late last night, ending a terrible, eventful week in that city.

Hopefully, facts and motives will emerge if the second suspect can be saved. It is hard to believe that any of us are hoping he actually lives, but that may be the only way to determine if other terrorist acts are in the works.

Whether he lives or dies, I am afraid that there will be not be satisfactory explanations for such horrendous and cowardly actions that culminated in a police manhunt and city lockdown. Most of us will never understand what could have motivated these men to hate, to maim, and to kill.

Boston and this country will be changed forever because of the actions of these two young men. However, Boston will emerge stronger and more united.  The world is with you Boston. Indeed, this sign says it all.
Be strong and sleep tight Boston! You deserve it after this week from hell...

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