Monday, February 27, 2012


We recently completed a two month long odyssey watching the Harry Potter films. They were amazing! At first, they started out rather simple and sweet. However, the subject matter and themes quickly grew more intense.

While we watched the films, at least one part of Nicholas' body was in contact with mine. If I tried to leave the room while the movie was playing, he quickly rose to his feet and followed me. When I asked him why he did not want to be alone/could not be alone, he simply said he wanted to be close to me. Thus far, there have been no nightmares. Thank goodness!

Cate got in on the action, too. Not to be outdone, she began casting spells and matter- of-factly said her favorite wizard was Voldemort. The video below shows young Cate in action.

Do not worry. Cate skipped the last few movies, which were quite a bit more intense than the earlier ones.

During the last film, at one point I recommended to Nicholas that we turn it off and re-visit it in a few years because I was concerned about the turn the story might take. He protested and said that he wanted to see what happened. He made the case that he had come this far and that he loved traveling on the journey with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I tried to explain to him that that was the precise reason that I wanted to turn the movie off, but we forged ahead. I will not spoil the ending for you in case you have not seen the films, but it was quite a conclusion.

Despite the fact that the movies are all done, our interest in Harry Potter has not waned. Every other night, he and I read "The Sorcerer's Stone." He reads one page, and then I read five to ten pages. We should be done in the next few months at which point we will move on to the next one.

While we know how things will end, rediscovering the written story seems fresh and lively. I hope that we find other such treasures to share in life, and I hope they bring us closer together... even if that closeness is just to keep the bad guys away!

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