Saturday, December 31, 2011


Another year has come to an end. It was an eventful year, and it was an especially long year. My boss took a sabbatical this year, so my duties were even greater than usual. That couple with innumerable grant submissions made for much work and little downtime.

Kathleen and the kids took several vacations without me since I had so many deadlines. However, we were able to escape for a much needed, sun-filled vacation in San Diego this week. It was a great opportunity to recharge the battery, unplug to the extent that that is possible, and just be a tourist. Many animals and Lego exhibits were seen, and many Mexican dinners were consumed.

Today, on this last day of 2011, I spent time with the kids and Kathleen's sister. I managed to fit in some time for myself and went to the gym and watched some soccer. We went to the park and kicked the ball around, and now we are watching Harry Potter. All of this might sounds quite.... quotidian, but it was much-needed and a great way to finish the year.

I am not one for resolutions, but there are a few things I vow to do in 2012. I will do a better job of seeing my family and friends and staying in touch. Iwill try to be a more thoughtful husband and patient father. I will try to sign off from work and the Internet once I come home each night. I will put the IPad away and go back to reading more books- at least one per month. I will exercise more regularly and try to increase my flexibility. I will be a more focused principal investigator.

There is no guarantee that I will get all of this done, but I can assure you I will try. Here's to the end of 2011. I hope that 2012 is healthy and happy for me and for you.

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