Sunday, October 23, 2011


My best friend Amit recently visited Portland. I had emailed him on a lark several months back because one of our favorite bands, Bon Iver, was going to be playing in town. I did not expect Amit to be able to make it because he has three young kids, including one year-old twins. However, he said yes... after getting permission from his wife Gillian!

We had not seen each other since last Christmas, but one would not have guessed this. As we began to catch up, it was clear that while much had transpired in our lives in the past year, we were the same friends and our affection was unchanged.

The two of us walked around the Japanese Garden, grabbed a beer at Deschutes Brewery, ate take out from Pok Pok, and reflected on how far we both had traveled in the past 13 years since becoming friends.

That night, Amit, Kathleen, and I went to see Bon Iver. They did not disappoint. It was one of the best concerts I have ever been to. Not just because of the music but also because the company was so good!

That weekend reminded me of the true meaning of friendship and the value of a real friend. I do not do acquaintances. I do not do casual contacts. Life is too short to share air with people that are fickle, undependable, or fair-weather. Sure, I am polite to those people, but I do not care to spend time with them.

I feel lucky to have friends like Amit who never let me down and who always bring something new and special to my life despite how familiar we are. Until I meet Amit or one of you's to my friends!

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