Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I used to think I was a brave and well-equipped kid... until I met my two kids. I am constantly amazed by what they are capable of doing by themselves by comparison to my readiness at their ages. I guess that is probably because they have to be more self-sufficient with two parents that work like mad.

Nicholas wakes up everyday at 6:30 AM. This summer he has been going down all by himself 2 flights of stairs to a dark first floor and dark basement. He is able to turn on the TV and settle in for a cartoon marathon. Additionally, he is not afraid to try and learn new things at which he does not excel- music lessons, soccer, swimming. I, by comparison, was afraid of the dark for much, much longer and do not have his adventurous spirit.

We recently pulled Cate out of her former daycare because it was imploding. We looked at many different schools, and the Montessori school we were most interested in did not have a spot. Therefore, we enrolled her at a daycare nearby. Of course, one day after starting the "new school," the Montessori school called to say they had a spot. So... Cate went to visit her "new new school" and met with her "new new" teacher and carried out a lesson, or task, with her. It was a very formal and structured task quite different from the free-form play Cate is used to. However, Cate was calm and composed and nailed it with aplomb!

I love these kids beyond words not only because they are my own but because they do and know so much. Our lives are more challenging because of them, but are lives are also much more full and fun because of them.

Here's to Cate and Nicholas! These kids are more than all right. They're brave and their grrrrreat!

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