Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Fenomeno is the Catalan word for phenomenon, and this word describes Lionel Messi perfectly. If you do not believe me, just take a look at the stunned Real Madrid defenders pictured above who watched him score this epic goal against them last month.

This past Sunday, there was a wonderful piece on the front page of the New York Times' Sports section about Messi written by Jere Longman. That piece captures Messi's greatness better than any piece I have read about him. Mr. Longman's words and Messi's play speak for themselves. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Barcelona continued its limp to the finish line last weekend with a 1-1 draw. This earned them a 3rd straight Spanish League title, which is quite a feat. One more league game stands between them and the Champions League Final versus Manchester United, who also won their league with a draw this weekend. I do not expect that either team will be fielding many starters so that they may rest up for the big game, which should be epic.

I will leave you with a video depicting the Barcelona 5-0 thrashing of Real Madrid from earlier this season in November, 2010. The video, a stylized version of the actual match, and Barcelona's play in that video give new meaning to the phrase beautiful game.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


There was a recent article in the Times by John Tierney about a statistical analysis that demonstrates that today's music and singers have become much more narcissistic. However, Nicholas' songs and the songs he learns at Arbor are bucking that trend.

Here is the latest original masterpiece from Nicholas Alumkal whose musical talents continue to amaze me. Pretty soon, the name Nicholas alone will suffice... kind of like Gaga, Rihanna, or Kanye... but without the attitude or selfishness.

Enough said!


Believe it or not, my favorite place in Portland is not Jeld-Wen Field, the home of the Timbers. The Japanese Garden in Washington Park is actually my favorite spot, and we went there yesterday for "Children's Day." While we missed most of the festivities, including release of new koi into the ponds because the kids were napping, it was still a special visit.

Despite the fact that we were with the kids, the garden was also as resplendent and peaceful as ever. Truth be told, the kids were very well-behaved, which was a tribute to the garden and the power it has over people of all ages.

More than any other spot in Portland and perhaps the world, the Japanese Garden fills me with utter peace and reminds me how beautiful life is.

If I were single, this is where I would take my first dates, and this is where I would propose marriage. I only wish that the kind of solace and sanctity that one achieves upon visiting the Garden were more widespread in life. However, as a member of the Japanese Garden, I can come as often as I like for free, and I will be back...soon.

The Japanese Garden is where you can surreptitiously scatter my ashes when I am no more. Here, when you come visit me, you will see and hear the wonderful sound of the bamboo reeds tipping after a strong rain and be reminded why life is so worth living.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Today, the second of the two UEFA Champions' League semi-finals was decided. Manchester United, perhaps the most famous club in all of football, prevailed.

Yesterday, the Barca-Real Madrid match ended in a draw, but Barca also advanced because they had won the prior match in that series with Real. This means that we will have a re-match of the 2009 Champions' League Final that took place in Rome. However, this year's final of the 2 best clubs in Europe will be at Wembley Stadium in London- a slight home court advantage to the Red Devils of Manchester. They will need it!

The final should be epic because this year's Barca team is one of the best in years, and their brand of attacking football has been a pleasure to watch this season. The final will also be a prequel to a "friendly," or exhibition match between the 2 clubs in Washington, D.C. on July 30 this summer. And yes, I have tickets 21 rows back at midfield. And no, I am not at liberty to say how much they cost.

Let's hope all the Barca first team players show up for both matches, and let's hope that the D.C. match will be the second Barca victory over Man U this year!