Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Tomorrow will be Nicholas' 100th day of school at Arbor. To celebrate this occasion (and to use it as a math teaching point), the children have been asked to bring to school 100 objects. Kathleen suggested that Nicholas bring in 100 animals, which meant that we had to sort through his boxes of animals in order to find 100 candidates that could fit in a small bag...or large bag.

We decided to pick animals of which we had 10-20 of the same kind, which was surprisingly not difficult. As we counted these animals and sorted them into different plastic bags, Nicholas reminded us that "at Arbor we always double check our work," and he implored us to do the same. Never mind that his dad has OCD and triple checks everything!; this recommendation was an example of one of the many amazing life lessons that Nicholas has already learned in these first 100 days.

Here's to Noah's Ark, and here's to compulsiveness!

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