Monday, November 8, 2010


This weekend we went to Tacoma for the day to visit Kathleen's sister and to check out the Point Defiance Zoo once again. On our last visit, I caught a brief glimpse of one of the zoo's prized animals- an aardvark. Mr. Nicholas, however, was not so lucky. Therefore, one of our goals for this trip was to see the aardvark.

When we got to the zoo, we attempted to find the aardvark and approached two young zookeepers. They said that the aardvark had just starred in a show that we missed and that he would not be out again that day. This was despite the fact that I explained that a certain five year-old was dying to see him.

However, I was not deterred, and I was not going to be denied. Therefore, several minutes later I approached another zookeeper and explained our situation. He was more sympathetic and immediately used his walkie talkie to call the keeper in charge of the aardvark. A few minutes later he came and told us where to go to see the aardvark and mentioned that we owed him big! I thanked him and headed off with Nicholas.

We were met by one of the original young zookeepers who was taking "Tilly" (as in rototiller) out for his walk. It was an amazing sight to see, particularly given the fact that only eighteen U.S. zoos have aardvarks. Nicholas was excited, but I must confess I was even happier to see this animal.

After we parted ways with Tilly I told Nicholas that one does not always get what one wants. However, I also made it clear that one certainly would not get what one wanted if one did not ask for it! Here's to Tilly... and to perseverance!

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