Thursday, June 11, 2009


Nicholas is a huge lover of music. As I have mentioned, he loves to listen to music, but he also loves to play it. Let's see... he has a trumpet, saxophone, guitar (which doubles as a cello and bass), banjo, drums, triangle (the only instrument his dad ever learned to "play"), piano horn, and tambourine. He loves to perform for us, and we are constantly being asked to join his band.

While he wants to be a diver when he grows up, he talks about playing concerts on the weekends with his band when he is bigger, which we are (currently) welcome to attend. Thus, we are currently considering guitar lessons for him. While he always treats his instruments with respect and care, the video below from the St. Paul Children's Musuem, which reflects his showmanship, gives me pause about buying him a real guitar. Enjoy!

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