Friday, July 29, 2022


I cannot believe Nicholas turned 17 this month! The day he was born on July 13, 2005 is still one of the most memorable and transformative days of my life, and it is amazing to see how much he has grown.

Nicholas is the person with with whom I identify most, and we have an amazing understanding of each other. That is what 17 years under the same roof will do.

While much of the COVID pandemic has been tragic and heartbreaking, being able to spend more time with Nicholas and the family, especially during his high school years has been a gift.

What were once my passions have become his, and I do not know anyone who is more passionate about sports and stories from all different types of athletic events. Though I have never asked him exactly what sports means to him, I would guess it is the passion and excellence top athletes bring to their crafts. 

It is not surprising that he has developed such an amazing media organization, Gryphon Sports Live (GSL), at his school. Unsurprisingly, Nicholas has engaged the entire school in building this club and has brought many underclassmen on board so that GSL will have a life well after he leaves.

The matter of Nicholas eventually moving on is a very bittersweet one for me. I'll miss my best friend, but I also want him to achieve his dreams and follow them wherever they might take him.

My parents never imposed on me their wishes of where they might want me to live. This gave me the freedom to pursue the best educational opportunities in the country and eventually took me out of state 20 years ago. I have a much better sense of how painful but proud they probably were when I left Texas for Johns Hopkins back in 2002.

Before Nicholas, I could not understand why people had kids or what made being a parent so life-changing in such a positive way. I am who I am because I am a father to Nicholas and Cate. They are the best thing I have ever done, and I am so lucky to have them in my life.

Here's to an amazing 17 years, Nicholas! I am so proud of you and cannot wait to see what comes next for you!

