This week marked the first anniversary of the terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, 2021. It was a somber day for Democrats (and a few Republicans), marked by remembrances and tributes.
President Biden delivered a
speech from the Capitol rotunda - a speech that shined light on the fact that former President Trump and his enablers in Congress and beyond were responsible for this attack. Biden described that our ways of governance and life were at stake and that he would not abide anyone "holding a dagger to the throat of our democracy." Though he remarked that he did not ask for this fight, he declared that he would "stand in the breech" and defend our constitutional form of government.
The President's speech was bold. It was angry. It was full-throated. It was a call to arms for all of us to play our part to call out lies and to hold to the sword (metaphorically) those that would seek to dismantle the world's oldest democracy.
Anne Applebaum has written that we get the democracy that we are willing to fight for. Never before has there been such a reminder of what is at stake in each and every election from the local to the federal level. I hope all Americans who care about the future of this country get more involved by voting, running for office, and supporting candidates who reflect American values and principles. If not, the breach will become a gaping hole - one that we become truly irreparable.