Sunday, August 18, 2024


Kamala Harris picked Tim Walz (pronounced "walls"), the Governor of Minnesota, to be her running mate a few event-filled weeks back. Mr. Walz is quite a departure from the typical Democratic candidate. He is not a lawyer. He is not Ivy League-educated. He is not from a coast. He is not wealthy. He is a damn good choice.

Having grown up in rural Nebraska, Mr. Walz has dedicated himself to public service through serving in the military, teaching high school, coaching football, serving in Congress, and serving as Governor.

He is kind, down to earth, and enthusiastic. Famously, he branded the Republicans weird on a segment on Morning Joe, and he has been an ardent supporter of Vice President Harris even before she named him her running mate.

I am very hopeful that his message of patriotism, common sense, kindness, and defense of freedom will resonate with everyday Americans. We are all hungry for those things. Right now, Walz has no ceiling!


This blog started out in 2008 as a forum for expressing the political stories of the day. However, I have not felt so excited to be a Democrat and so hopeful about the prospect of winning the election since that year. That has everything to do with Kamala Harris.

This election season started out quite depressing - a rematch between the two candidates from the last election. A good portion of the country was rightly unenthusiastic about this re-match, and many of us felt as though we were headed for an electoral disaster.

Fortunately, Joe Biden - god love him - decided to step aside Many people had hoped there might be a mini primary process to decide the nominee, but Joe quickly (within minutes of announcing his departure) endorsed Kamala.

Since that time, she has run a flawless campaign. Her crowds have been huge. Her poll number are surging. There is true joy in the air. 

All of this speaks to the moment we are in. We have weathered a once in a century pandemic. We have withstood eight years of Trump. We have seen two 78+ year old attempt to convince of that they are the rightful steward of our country in this time of unprecedented challenge. America is clearly hungry for a change, and now all of a sudden Kamala is the change candidate while Trump feels like an "incumbent."

In less than 90 days, we will know where this country's epicenter lies. More than the desire for change, so many Americans want to belong to something bigger than themselves and to be agents for progress and positivity - the inverse of everything Trump has offered in his movement. I may be pollyanna, but I do believe that hope beats fear and that change beats retreat.

Here's hoping the Kamalanomenon continues this week at the Convention and beyond!