Monday, March 19, 2018


This month, I traveled to San Jose for the Northwest Regional Futsal Championship with Cate and her team. This was our third trip for a futsal tournament in San Jose, and our girls did not disappoint.

In the first game, we dominated a team from Santa Clara. In the second game, our girls came out on top. It was amazing to see Cate start off the attacks as the equivalent of a central midfielder and pull the strings. She scored one of our two goals in our third match, which we won 2-1 and which sent us into the semifinals.

That semifinal match was a rematch against a larger, more physical group of girls who had defeated us last year. Because of last year's loss, we knew what we would be up against. However, that only seemed to increase the intimidation factor. Their girls kicked, lunged, and pushed while our girls tried to play a game of futsal. We went down 1-0 at half but were still very much in the game. In the second half, we withdrew further into our shells while the other team came out even more aggressively. In the end, we lost 5-1 - an unfair scoreline given that our girls were clearly the more skilled side. However, one does not win on style points; one wins by putting the ball in the back of the net.

Despite, this I am really proud of the way Cate and her teammates carried themselves and the way they tried to play the game. When Pep Guardiola took over as Barca coach in 2008, he did not promise trophies, which he went on deliver anyway. Rather, he promised to play football that would make the fans proud. For that reason, Cate and her teammates can hold their heads high. I can't wait until next year!

Saturday, March 3, 2018


Every weekday, I wake up around 5:30. This gives me the opportunity to do my morning routine: catch up on the news, make oatmeal for breakfast, and do my stretches. On weekends, I am cursed with waking up at the same time, but I am often joined by Nicholas who rises early, too.

Part of the reason Nicholas wakes up is because he is allowed to do screen time beginning at 7 AM. However, he also uses the time between waking up and screens to work on his homework. We never have to remind Nicholas to do his work, and he is surprisingly organized when it comes to his assignments. I give Arbor all the credit for that.

This morning Nicholas showed me his latest assignment to discuss Islam and the rise of Islamaphobia in our world. He had written an outline of what he hoped to cover and had already come up with a nice topic sentence: "There are many misunderstandings about Islam, and Islamaphobia is on the rise." I cannot recall what my seventh grade writing assignments were, but I can assure you they did not have the seriousness and social relevance of Nicholas' latest one.

I am amazed by how much this boy is growing and changing everyday. However, one thing remains constant: Nicholas is still my best friend, and I cannot get enough of him. I will be sad the day he leaves me. Until then, I will cherish each day - and especially my Saturday mornings - with my guy.