Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Earlier this year, the world was introduced to a young Afghan boy named Murtazi Ahamdi, who may well be the world's biggest Lionel Messi fan. His father could not afford a proper kit for Murtazi. Therefore, he made his son a replica Argentina "jersey" out of a blue and white-striped trash bag. The pictures went viral.

Once Messi heard about this story, he sent the boy real Argentina and Barca jerseys. However, that was just the beginning, and today Murtazi got to meet his idol and attend an exhibition match between Barca and the Qatari side Al Ahli in Doha.

As you can tell from the video below, Murtazi had to be pried from Messi, and I am sure it will go down as a day that both Murtazi and Messi will not soon forget.

Here's to one of life's bright spots in a very dark year!