Monday, November 18, 2013


It is often the little things in life that make all the difference in one's day. For me, getting on an empty elevator at work all by myself  brings an incredible sense of... pleasure. 

I realize that this says as much about me as a person as it does about the fact that my office is on the 14th floor of a 16th story building. That is all.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


This weekend, Kathleen and I went to see the new film "Enough Said" starring Julia Louis-Dreyfus and the late James Gandolfini. It was one of the best movies I have seen this year and probably the best romantic comedy I have ever seen.

I put the word comedy in italics because this movie is deeply serious. It involves two middle-aged characters played by Louis-Dreyfus and Gandolfini who are both divorced and damaged in their own ways. Their insecurities and baggage are their greatest obstacles, and one cannot help but empathize with them.

I will not reveal too much, but I was simply blown away by how real and complex these characters were. They reminded me of all the self-erected barriers that stand in the way of happiness and how we are often our own worst enemy.

See "Enough Said" and experience this work of art for yourself. If you have ever been single or have kids, please bring Kleenex!


This was my fortune tonight. Enough said.